Saturday, 3 December 2011

Taxes not collected.....

We hear constantly about Greek people avoiding paying taxes, under declaring incomes etc., but sometimes the government departments do very little to even try and collect taxes / utility bills.
I have become accustomed to having to collect my water bill from the local taverna each year around September. For those of you wondering why it goes to the local taverna and is not delivered to my house like normal mail let us just say "its always been that way, why change it?"...the reply I got when I queried it some years back after not seeing a water bill for four years!  No one told me I had to pick it up at "the pub"!
Well last year it never appeared until mid November, this year its not appeared at all........yet when you go into the water authority offices there always appears lots of staff, oh yes and lots of coffee cups!

The very same thing occurs with car road tax. Despite owing a Greek vehicle over a year I have not received a road tax payment document. I ask you over a year to plan to send these out.........It means of course I have to go to the vehicle registration office in the city, queue for hours to be able to pay for next years tax disc. Failure to pay by January means a fine and that means paying DOUBLE. If I had received a reminder I could just pop into the local bank / post office.

Now I don't want to pay taxes / bills either, but its a fact of life and perhaps government officials actually earned their wages by carrying out there jobs efficiency Greece would have more coffers in the bank.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

New PM for Greece

I am uncertain on just how I feel in respect of the appointment of Lucas Papademos as interim Prime Minister for Greece.  With all my respect for Antonis Samaras gone owing to the way I believe he put his own political party and career before that of the Greek nation, is it right Greece should have what I see as a Prime Minister appointed that has not been democratically elected by the people.

Perhaps if Samaras had been more supportive of a coalition government, as requested by George Papandreou appointed representatives from both parties could have picked the best brains to work together and lead Greece out of this financial crisis without trying to win points off each other.  Did Samaras play to the point of brinkmanship, hoping the President would ask him to form a government, and loose?  We will probably never know.  If this was the case again a governing party would be in power that was not democratically elected.
No matter what public opinion of George Papandreou's actions are his party was voted into power, and as leader of that party he became Prime Minister. In his actions he endevoured to tackle the corruption within Greece and face head on the massive public and company tax evasions that exist.  For this he suffered the wrath of the unions and indeed some members of the public alike.

Greece became the first casualty of the Eurozone economic crisis not because of George Papandreou, but because of the current financial climate throughout the EU and indeed much of the western world. It may be argued owing to the previous poor financial state of the Greek economy it was bound to falter first.  Unfortunately like vultures over a dying body, bankers circle over a faltering economy to "pick the bones".  The skeleton left behind will unfortunately haunt the Greek people for years to come..............

Thursday, 6 October 2011

The seat of Civilisation?

Many people worldwide will have seen on TV the Greek stray dog heading the demonstrations in Athens.
In past blogs I have drawn attention to the sad lack of animal care throughout most of Greece despite the laws being similar to most of the EU.  What hope have we in getting people to change attitudes if the law enforcement officers give examples like this?
To expand my concerns over animal welfare in Greece, last week in a small fishing town called Gythio an animal care shelter was  broken into and 28 dogs poisoned.....why you might well ask?  The answer I had from one person was this was the actions Greeks will take, if they can not afford food for themselves why should they see animals fed?
The seat of civilisation is becoming uncivilised......

Thursday, 1 September 2011

The chairs are empty

Is it any wonder the tables and chairs are empty in Greek tavernas from today? On top of all the current austerity measures introduced in Greece as from today (1st September 2011) the VAT on eating out increase from 13% to 23%. In the remote villages there is little to do and villagers enjoy a stroll to the local taverna for a coffee and chat with their mates. In this unhurried environment talk centres around the price of tomatoes and ones health. The coffee or "frappe" tends to last well over the hour as the taverna owner appears at great regularity with cold glasses of I hope the Greek government has no plans to tax that!  It may be all we can soon afford, but will there be any tavernas left to serve it ?

Είναι να απορεί κανείς τα τραπέζια και οι καρέκλες είναι άδειες σεελληνικές ταβέρνες από σήμερα; Πάνω από όλα τα τρέχοντα μέτραλιτότητας που εισήγαγε στην Ελλάδα από σήμερα (1η Σεπτεμβρίου 2011) ο ΦΠΑ για φαγητό αύξηση από 13% σε 23%.Στα απομακρυσμένα χωριά είναι λίγο αυτό που κάνουμε και οι χωρικοί να απολαύσετε μια βόλτα στην τοπική ταβέρνα για ένα καφέ και να συνομιλήσετε με τους συντρόφους τους. Σε αυτό τοunhurried κέντρα μιλήσει περιβάλλον γύρω από την τιμή της τομάτας και αυτά της υγείας. Ο καφές ή "φραπέ" τείνει να διαρκέσειπάνω από την ώρα που ο ιδιοκτήτης ταβέρνας εμφανιστεί σε εξαιρετικές κανονικότητα με κρύα ποτήρια νερό ...... τώρα ελπίζω ότι η ελληνική κυβέρνηση δεν σχεδιάζει να προβεί στη φορολόγηση! Μπορεί να είναι ό, τι μπορούμε σύντομα να πληρώσουν, αλλά θα υπάρξουν ταβέρνες αριστερά για να τηνεξυπηρετήσει;

Monday, 27 June 2011

Can't be bothered !

Sometimes people just never fail to amaze me! Most of us are well aware of the current economic climate in Greece. Businesses are either closing or complaining about the down turn of trade and lack of disposable income in society owing to the austerity measures the government are having to introduce. 
So the actions of the owner / manager at a local car dealership in Kalamata just amazed me.
I decided I needed to replace one of my vehicles and opted to buy a new MPV. Off I went viewed such a vehicle in the sales room, sat and discussed prices and trade in deals and was prepared to "do the deal".  As I had never driven this make of vehicle I asked for a test drive.  Out of the question, there were no demonstrators available, but he would try and obtain one the following day. Yes I was happy with that, and left my address and phone numbers. The following day the dealer called and stated he was unable to obtain a test car; no problem I'm in no rush, call me when you get one.
I have heard nothing since! 
One has to ask the question, do they really want business?  Having spent my working life in retail sales I find it amazing that businesses will take this approach, no wonder Greece is in a mess.  Easily he could have phoned one of his last customers who purchased a car and offered a small incentive for them to bring the car in and let me drive it........or am I asking too much to test drive a car before spending thousands of euros ?????????

On a similar front a friend of mine wanted a rather large satellite dish, no problem I thought as I had bought one after being recommended by another associate of mine to a dealer in Messini around a year previously. 
When I made my purchase the dealer sent to Athens for the dish and I paid the courier charge.  So off I went to the same guy to arrange the purchase for my friend.  Yet again I stood back in amazement when the shop assistant, who phoned the owner told me that it could not be done and I should go to Practiker (the giant German DIY store) and get it there.......... 
Once Greeks were business leaders in world shipping, I now think the 
ship has sailed without them!

Thursday, 16 June 2011

News reports & Greece

I have no doubt that if you were to visit Athens the main square in front of the Parliament would not currently be a place to visit. However I recall, some years back being in Australia when the T.V. news agencies were showing footage of riots in the UK and it could be imagined the country was about to enter total civil uprising!  The capital and some main cities in Greece are suffering demonstrations, mostly peaceful but unfortunately some have hard core trouble makers that turn such demonstrations into anarchy. These are the scenes that make TV news......

In the majority of Greek towns and villages the sun rises and sets as normal and day to day life goes on.  Of course money is tight and people are really feeling the pinch. Yet the Greek people are no strangers to hardship and villagers help one another. The topic in the kafeneio will have changed from the normal agricultural chat to that of the government and taxes, but there are few counties in the western world that will cope with what ever is ahead like Greece will.
If you have had holidays in Greece in the past and are a lover of this country now is the time to support it, book that holiday, enjoy the sun your money is more welcome now than ever!


Friday, 27 May 2011

Dangerous Caterpillars

On a recent trip in the mountains of the mid Peloponnese we were amazed at a mass of what looked liked cotton wool webs hanging in the pine trees, there were hundreds of them! 
On further investigation I have found out just how lucky were in not letting our curiosity get the better of us at the time.  These nests were full of caterpillars that are DANGEROUS

The caterpillar, know as the "Processionary Caterpillar" because of the way they follow one another in long rows, live in colonies of up to 400. Mainly active at night (feeding time) from around March they will strip the pine needles of branches.  Each caterpillar has approximately 60,000 pointed defensive urticating (barbed) white hairs containing a toxin. They have been known to cause a severe itchy rash on humans that can last up to three weeks and can even cause temporary blindness and/or respiratory problems. 

For dogs and cats the effects could be far more severe. If your cat or dog sniffs the hairs the result could be a severe allergic reaction, gangrene or anaphylactic shock, possibly resulting in death. The symptoms are excessive drooling, difficulty in breathing and/or white spots on the mouth or tongue. It is recommended that in these cases the animal’s mouth should be flushed out immediately with as much water as possible. Owners should try to avoid the animal’s toxic saliva, and seek emergency treatment from a vet.

Thursday, 31 March 2011

Once again the practice of laying poisons around the beaches of Greece is with us! 
Yesterday a good friend of mine lost his dog after it died after consuming a poison of sorts at a local beach during his normal day outing. These posions can act within minutes on a small dog and within about 15-20 minutes on a large dog.  You have very little time to act!
I recommend all dog lovers carry with then at all times an anti-poisons injection kit. You will find the ampules & syringes will fit nicely in tissue in a glasses case. Speak to your local vet who will advise and issue the correct doses.

If you have the misfortune to come across such an instance and no anti-poisons kit, it is essential you get the dog to vomit FAST. (except in cases where corrosive poisons have been injested) 
To do this either (to make the dog vomit)
1) Mix MUSTARD and / or SALT with some water and make the dog swallow. The mustard mix is best.
2) Give 2-3 tablespoons of 3% Hydrogen peroxide solution

both the above are probably available either at home or in the local store...
Obviously the animal also needs the attention of the vet, but fast action by you may save the animals life.......

Friday, 14 January 2011

Messinias Greece in the top 20

National-geographic has listed Messinias as one of its top 20 places to visit in 2011

click on link below to see more

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Strikes galore

It is seldom I have sympathy for the Government of countries. All too often we hear of corruptness and broken promises. However governing any country does require the co-operation of the people and as they are the same people who voted you in one would expect some basic support for policies that have to be introduced. I therefore do "feel" for George Papandreou, not that I am supportive of all his actions but because no matter what he does try and do there appears to be an inbred stubbornness in Greece to cause disruption. 

Now I am not against the right for peaceful demonstration, but the whole world is aware of the financial issues here in Greece....oh except for the Greeks of course!

Well its January, so the annual strike and disruption planned for the end of the month will be blockades by farmers and their tractors. Its happens every year just after olive harvest, but just before main growing season.  Now if I was cynical I would say at this time of year farmers get bored and want an outing with their mates and tractors!!!! Any excuse will do.

Then of course next Thursday is the Pan Educational Rally to mark the anniversary of the murder of Nick Temponeras by right wing youth extremists occupying a school in Patra. It occurred 20 years ago, most of the marchers will not have even been born then. I see this as an odd way to remember a school teacher, risking more civil unrest by marching through the streets. At the same time you would think current teachers would want to set an example to the youth; but no, the teachers unions are bring them out calling for a work stoppage so they can join in !
Indeed hardly a day goes by without some work stoppage somewhere in Greece, more often than not in the capital, Athens. If ever there was a country that now needs firm leadership and control of its unions, Greece is the one. Perhaps Mr Papandreou should plan a visit to Margaret Thatcher before its too late, because he's clearly getting dizzy by "turning" in all directions.

Monday, 10 January 2011

Home energy certificates

It never fails to amaze me how European laws are implemented (or in most cases NOT implemented) in Greece. Take the anti smoking legislation for instance, three attempts have been launched in as many years to stop smoking in public places, all have failed. I do not blame the locals that frequent bars and tavernas, I blame the owners and local authorities for  not implementing the law. The excuse given by local "enforcement" authorities "we can't monitor this, there are not enough of us".

Now do you think the same excuse will apply if Greeks ignore the newly introduced Energy Performance Certificate? Like lemmings the authorities have introduced new legislation effective from 9th January 2011 (the same that failed in the UK) that will enforce home owners selling their properties to have a survey carried out on their property (if over 50sqm) at an estimated cost of 1.85 Euros per sqm and a minimum cost of 246 Euros.  The certificate  will last for a period of 6 months.