Thursday, 12 December 2019

Gender imbalance...

Having just listened to an article on the TV news about over demand for NHS services and private services to assist young people towards transgender I have to wonder what is wrong in society.

I am not making any assumptions on people who decide to transgender but ask the question was all this hidden in the past, are children being "pushed" by parents who wanted a child of the opposite sex or is there something in our ever changing world that is causing an additional hormone imbalance in our bodies?

Scientific research has stated that Estrogen compounds have been detected in influent and effluent of sewage, there are also  concerns about estrogen levels in natural waters and their effect on fish physiology and other aquatic wild life.  Steroidal estrogens have been detected in effluents and influent from a variety of apartments of the environment; in particular, soil and water bodies at regions near Sewage Treatment Plants

Now-a-days there is a massive consumption of chicken, far more than in our grandparents days...chicken estrogen is identical to human estrogen—they're the same molecule.

Are we consuming some of these higher estrogen levels in every day life?

So what about testosterone? Well yes again we have hormones and steroids are given to livestock to help improve the production of beef. ...  testosterone, and progesterone—steroid hormones added to promote growth and production. We then go on to consume these products.

Food for thought, or for sex change ?

Society is now obsessed on how we as a human race are destroying our planet, perhaps thought and science should now also investigate how were are changing our bodies.

Sunday, 28 April 2019

Climate crisis

Person Holding World Globe Facing Mountain

You can hardly ever turn the TV on recently without seeing or hearing about demonstrations in respect of climate change. World seminars, documentaries and international agreements.  We hear about the climate heating up, the fact we are using up the earth's resources too quickly etc.  Anyone driving a fuel hungry car is chastised and being taxed to the hilt and in many cases governments are subsidising replacing resource guzzling equipment.

Yet NO-ONE is challenging the massive use of resources used to run the worlds advertising boards, lights etc.  We would find it hard to live without heating in the western world, hard not to be able to travel etc. but we can live without brightly lit adverting hoardings, shop fascias and blinding internal lighting. During the fuel crisis in the early 70's in the UK retailers were told to remove every other fluorescent lighting tube, to disconnect all  illuminated advertising signs and many other energy saving measures were introduced.  A massive saving can be made if world leaders were to consider the banning of unnecessary lighting alone......

Now let me guess why they don't!   Ah yes, there would be less income for energy producing companies, that means less tax paid to governments. Far easier to just tax the people and raise even more income......Are they REALLY interested in climate change ?

Saturday, 30 March 2019


It has been quite sometime since I last typed a blog and more than "a lot" has happened.  As many of you know I live most of the time in France after retiring from work in the U.K., and part of the year in Greece.  Over the years I have travelled extensively in Europe, mainly by car so have experienced many cultures.

So what has prompted me to write this blog?  B R E X I T......

Sadly mainly by frustration with people who continually say and think because I live in Europe Brexit will not effect me.  Well how wrong they are!

To start with even after paying the U.K. national insurance & taxes all my working life Brexit could mean my state pension could become frozen, that is what I get now may never be indexed linked to match inflation. It could stay the same amount for the rest of my life......

I will not be able to legally be resident in another EU country without formal application to live there.

My health care (which again I paid for all my working life in the UK by NI contributions could be taken away from me, and I may have to pay for private health insurance, that currently can cost well in excess of £350 per month !

Even dogs gets affected by Brexit as they need a blood test if they travel to the UK and then return to mainland Europe....(truthfully in my dogs case she has a Greek Pet Passport so will be OK as she had the test some years back)

So how did I vote in the referendum, well you can guess how I would have voted if the local authority had posted my election papers on fact they came too late for me to be able to post them back in time for the deadline!!!!!!
What is more I have spoken to many people in France, Spain and Greece that had the same thing happen.  A fair referendum?  I think not!