Last night Mary and I went around one of our neighbours’ homes for the evening. It became a night of sharing Christmas food delicacies and through broken Greek & English stories of the past. As the night grew a few of our other neighbours joined in as well as our host’s mother aged 96 years!
If only I had the ability to communicate better in her language to hear more of the stories of her long since departed partisan husband and her life in Greek through the years she had lived. We were honoured and shown some very old photos of the brave partisan coveted by our senior citizen.
Now retired from the UK supermarket business some years back I now live in France most of the year and part year in Greece.
Tuesday, 29 December 2009
Scaffolding comes down
I see that after 9 years the scaffolding around the Propylaea, gateway/entrance to the Acropolis has finally been removed. The cost of the preservation has totalled some 6.5 Billion Euro.
Now do you think this year we could see the motorway between Kalamata & Megalopoli finished ??
Now do you think this year we could see the motorway between Kalamata & Megalopoli finished ??
Thursday, 24 December 2009
Carols in the Sun.......???
The last time I sang Christmas Carols in public was when I got all the checkout staff together in Morrisons Supermarket and sang to our customers queuing at the checkouts........well it was different !
Today Mary and I went to Kalamata and joined a group of ex-pats outside AB supermarket and for an hour and a half sang carols raising funds for "Doctors without Boarders". (Take a look at ). The Greek public I thought were extremely generous in their donations.......
As I did not tape or video the event I will leave you with the unusual UTube rendition with Status Quo and Rolf Harris
MERRY CHRISTMAS................................
Body found to be Karelia's
The corpse of a man was dredged yesterday at 7.00 in the morning by fishermen at the port. It was found to be that of Costas Karelia......
Today police still had the area taped off I guess pending investigations...........
Today police still had the area taped off I guess pending investigations...........
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Useful numbers to have.......
Messinia Address: 27210/44600
Radio Taxi: 27210/21112 - 26565
Soft: 27210/22522
Town Hall: 27210/24711
Artemis: 27210/24543
Nedontos: 27210/23434
Nedontos: 27210/23939 - 23432
Eastern Beach: 27210/28181
Government House: 27210/28222
Kalamata Hospital: 27210/46000
IKA Kalamata: 27,210 to 45,500
Kalamata: 27210/28585 - 92100
Meligala: 27240-22199
Messina: 27220/25050
Gargalianoi: 27630-22199
Pylos: 27230-22199
Kyparissia: 27610-22199
Prefecture MESSINIAS
Switchboard: 27210/86102
ELPA: 10400
Kalamata 27210/22651-28000
Messina 27220/22231-22601-23843
- Tickets to Athens: 27210/22851
- Bus Tickets for all Greece 14505
Messinia Address: 27210/44600
Radio Taxi: 27210/21112 - 26565
Soft: 27210/22522
Town Hall: 27210/24711
Artemis: 27210/24543
Nedontos: 27210/23434
Nedontos: 27210/23939 - 23432
Eastern Beach: 27210/28181
Government House: 27210/28222
Kalamata Hospital: 27210/46000
IKA Kalamata: 27,210 to 45,500
Kalamata: 27210/28585 - 92100
Meligala: 27240-22199
Messina: 27220/25050
Gargalianoi: 27630-22199
Pylos: 27230-22199
Kyparissia: 27610-22199
Prefecture MESSINIAS
Switchboard: 27210/86102
ELPA: 10400
Kalamata 27210/22651-28000
Messina 27220/22231-22601-23843
- Tickets to Athens: 27210/22851
- Bus Tickets for all Greece 14505
Sunday, 20 December 2009
Busy, busy, busy

This is only the third Christmas we have spent outside the UK, and the first in Greece (the other two when we lived in Australia). Greece in recent years has began to celebrate Christmas more and more (Easter being the main celebrations), but despite this it was a pleasure not to be bombarded with Christmas hype too early; indeed most items in the shops did not appear until early December.
Last Thursday we spent a very pleasant evening joining in a quiz with other ex-pats, and Christmas Day is planned with friends in the next village.We also had our first Christmas present from on of the locals .... a pumpkin mysteriously appeared at the bottom of our garden.Well at first I thought the dog had''nicked''someones' football!!!! A quick word over the fence in my best Greek (not), it was dropped over by the neighbour (bet she was aiming at the dog!!)
So pumpkin soup al la Dafni ............
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
No car insurance without KTEO
Car owners who fail to ensure that their vehicles promptly pass either state-run or private roadworthiness tests (KTEO) will not be eligible for insurance, according to a draft law being prepared by the Greek government.
A bill is due to be submitted to Parliament just after Christmas and will be in effect from the start of the year. It will prevent insurance companies from selling policies to owners of vehicles that do not have a valid KTEO certificate while cars that are submitted to the roadworthiness test will have to be insured.
Now is that a chicken and egg situation !!!!
No matter what I guess we will still see cars that should not be on the road for safety sake, and I doubt if this will force people to have insurance.......
Now is that a chicken and egg situation !!!!
No matter what I guess we will still see cars that should not be on the road for safety sake, and I doubt if this will force people to have insurance.......
Monday, 14 December 2009
Michael Caine would say.....
Friday, 11 December 2009
Climate center in Peloponnese
Taken from the newspaper recently I have copied below information that further adds to the mass development in Pylos:-
The Academy of Athens, Greece’s most respected research institution, and the University of Stockholm in Sweden have signed an agreement to create a climate change observatory in the Peloponnese, it was revealed yesterday.
The center will record changes in the composition of air and water with the aim of assessing how global warming is affecting the eastern Mediterranean’s ecosystem.
“The Ionian is a crossroad for airborne pollution from industrialized countries like Germany and the Czech Republic,” said Professor Christos Zerefos, who is representing the Academy. “It also has wide biodiversity and is already facing the consequences of climate change, such as a reduction in the amount of rainfall.”
The deal was reached as an international climate change conference begins in Denmark. The observatory will be located in the large holiday resort of Costa Navarino in Pylos, Messinia, and should begin its work next summer.
Monday, 7 December 2009
Early morning beach stroll
The picture was taken this morning on the beach near Dafni, Messinias whilst taking the dog for some early excerise. Despite it being December it was still possible this morning to stroll the beach in shirt sleeves, long sleeves though !! Whilst we have suffered a few days of rain, and indeed I believe more is on the way in the next 24 hours, the day time temperatures remain a very acceptable 18/19 degrees centigrade.
Saturday, 5 December 2009
New Flu Vaccination

Please however confirm these details before making a journey......
Monday, 30 November 2009
Antonis Samaras
Over the last few days I kept getting messages on my mobile phone signed by Antonis Samaris. Now not having enough knowledge of the greek language to completely translate them, I ignored them . This could have been a fatal error as he might have been offering me a job in his new political party now he has been elected as leader !
Perhaps he wanted an English speaking person to be shadow head of the Committee Of Culture, Knowledge,Understanding in the Provinces.......or indeed minister for the department of Smart Homes for Albanians, Macedonians, Bulgarians Living on Economic Subsistance !
In short departments of:-
Perhaps he wanted an English speaking person to be shadow head of the Committee Of Culture, Knowledge,Understanding in the Provinces.......or indeed minister for the department of Smart Homes for Albanians, Macedonians, Bulgarians Living on Economic Subsistance !
In short departments of:-
Sunday, 29 November 2009
St Andrews Day
Quick - break out the dough and the honey.
It's the eve of the Feast of Saint Andrew, and a custom recently revived on the Greek island of Rhodes insists that if you don't make loukamades - fried honey doughnuts - today, the saint will knock holes in your frying pan. (The iron kind, not the ancient so-called Cycladic frying pans.)
St Andrew is of course not just the patron saint of Scotland, but also of Patras
It's the eve of the Feast of Saint Andrew, and a custom recently revived on the Greek island of Rhodes insists that if you don't make loukamades - fried honey doughnuts - today, the saint will knock holes in your frying pan. (The iron kind, not the ancient so-called Cycladic frying pans.)
St Andrew is of course not just the patron saint of Scotland, but also of Patras
Rain at night
A week ago I looked at the 10 day weather forecast for Kalamata and it predicted rain this weekend and to the day it was correct ! Rain overnight, a foggy-misty morning and now 22 C and humid. At least I do not have to water the newly planted trees and shrubs, so there is an upside.
Its hard to believe that we are nearly in December and Christmas is fast approaching. Whilst Greece (in this part anyway) does not appear to have the frantic materialistic retail ''push'' towards Christmas, decorations have appeared on sale in several stores. Fortunately the British custom of sending Christmas cards to friends (who probably only live next door), and to your cat or dog has not arrived.....I never could understand why you would send the next-door neighbour a card when you can personally wish them "'the seasons greetings"'. Surely the personal greeting has to be better?
Friday, 27 November 2009
6th December
Δεκάδες Ιταλοί, Ισπανοί και Γάλλοι αναρχικοί ετοιμάζουν βαλίτσες, σύμφωνα με σήμα της ΕΥΠ προς την ΑστυνομίαThe above warning from the Mediterranean Alliance that groups of anarchists will be heading from Spain, Italy, Germany & Serbia through the port of Patras to Athens for the 6th December anniversary to try and create an explosive situation in the capital must be viewed with great seriousness. Government officials need to act at the port and refuse entry to Greece. More so the governments of the world should unite and stop such groups leaving their countries to try and create unrest abroad.
Whilst I sympathise with the family of the dead teenager Alexis Grigoropoulos the Greek authorities must be trusted to investigate, take action and deal with home events.
Let us not forget the past unrest in Greece; 99% of the population of Greece live in peace and want to be left alone, this includes members of the police force who now more than ever need to have the support of the majority of people living in Athens.
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
A little bit of dirt.......

Looking through the greek newspapers today I came across an article stating professors at the Medical Faculty of the University of California have discovered that, the "dirty" game reinforces the existence of bacteria on the surface of the skin which act as a shield against inflammation and that many parents obsessed with excessive cleanliness may be one of the main causes for the epidemic of allergies in the developed world.
Now in plain english I think what they are saying is what my grandparents said years and years ago '' A little bit of dirt did no one harm'' !!
Monday, 23 November 2009
Kalamata road signs

Gee...... I think the local authority in Kalamata must have been given a load of money. The city has sprouted masses of new road signs. There are now ''no left turn, no right turn and no entry'' signs on roads I have driven down over the last months obviously in the wrong direction (like all greeks do !!!). Now the 24 thousand dollar question is will the greek drivers take any notice of the new signs?
Also I bet the road around the port past the disused Shopping Mall will soon become one way.....
Car Insurance
As my car insurance and road tax on British plates expires at the end of this month, today Mary and I went off to Kalamata to insure the Citroen. Having already done the ''hard part'' of importing the car legally this is the easy part......easy but expensive. The cost of insurance in Greece is approximately three times what I paid in the UK, oh hum.
Anyway just enough pennies left to spend lunch time in the Yatch Club at Kalamata marina. We indeed feel lucky to be able to enjoy sunshine in late November with such a beautiful view.
Anyway just enough pennies left to spend lunch time in the Yatch Club at Kalamata marina. We indeed feel lucky to be able to enjoy sunshine in late November with such a beautiful view.
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Name dispute
The Prime Ministers of Macedonia and Greece are reported to have 10 days in order to resolve the name dispute between the two countries.
According to Macedonian TV channel A1, which cites diplomatic sources, the EU is expecting that Gruevski and Papandreu will resolve the dispute in the coming days so that on December 7 Macedonia could receive a date for starting its EU accession negotiations.
According to Macedonian TV channel A1, which cites diplomatic sources, the EU is expecting that Gruevski and Papandreu will resolve the dispute in the coming days so that on December 7 Macedonia could receive a date for starting its EU accession negotiations.
Lazy Sunday

Another bright day with temperatures around 22C, so we thought we would take a trip to the Sunday market in Kopenaki, about 30-40 minutes drive from us. Whilst most of the greek women were shopping most of the greek men, as usual were sitting in the cafes and resolving the economic problems of the country.
Back home around mid-day after stopping for Sunday afternoon treats ( cakes from the ζαχαροπλαστείο ) to contemplate a bit more gardening.......still giving that more thought it would be a shame to break the Sunday peace and quiet with a mower wouldn't it ?
I think my ''greekness'' will win and I'll just sit and have that coffee......
Friday, 20 November 2009
Another hard day in Greece

Friday is market day in Petalidi, a small (once fishing) village a few miles from our home. This morning we set off picked up the fruit and vegetables for the weekend and the bread.
However today instead of heading back home we headed off to Methoni to a bookfair (bookswap) that is held every few months; a great opportunity to meet up with friends, swap a few books and also any money raised goes to local charities.
This was followed by a typically slow greek lunch in the square on the seafront in Methoni with our friends. I can not think of a better way to spend the day.......
Night fall now comes quick and 1730hrs its become dark, together with the darkness comes much cooler nights, indeed time to put the heating on, or so I am told by my wife. How come women are always cold, but never think of putting an extra pullover on first or wear a vest ????
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Filmed in Greece

For you film buffs out there check out the new movie "My life in Ruins", starring Richard Dreyfuss and Nia Vardalos with a great support.A romantic comedy filmed in and around Athens.Beautiful location shots and the first Hollywood film since 1957 to be allowed to film at the Acropolis.
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Oil prices

This years oil price according to the Laconia barometer is between 2.50 - 2.60 per kilo.
Last year was the worst year for oil and the auctions closed at 3.12 euros per kilo in 2007 to 3.85 million in 2006 to 3.57 per kilo.
Increased production of oil at international level this year in conjunction with the financial crisis caused by the reluctance of traders to buy oil held prices back, furthermore, according to all estimates, the Spanish and Italian olive oil has increased the quantity of high quality oils and to some extent this meets the needs of industry.
What a shock !

Well someone may have noticed I have not posted a on this blog for a few days. Well the reason is last Wednesday night the modem got "blown up'' by a bolt of lightening. So off to the OTE shop, who replaced the modem FOC. (thanks guys). Being computer literate (or so I thought), I had all the electricity feed lines connected to a surge protector but not the telephone line (dumb eh?). So I bought a new protector that would also cover the telephone line before I installed the new modem.
Frustration came quick, the ADSL line was not available, had this also been effected I thought? So on the phone to the helpdesk to have it checked, and checked, and checked again. They could not find a fault, so after'several phone calls to the national help line my withdrawal symptoms became worse and I phoned the local OTE shop and spoke to one of the technicians........he came out to our house within the hour, checked the line.....yes it was OK, so the replacement modem was faulty also aahhhhhh !
New modem given on the spot, all is well in the world.
Can't really fault that for local service from a national company that often comes in for alot of criticism.
Monday, 9 November 2009
Road Tax

Well the new government decided to stop the car renewal subsidy, unlike most other EU counties the PASOK party stated "it offered no real benefit to the environment". More concerning is that those people who ordered a new car (provided this was before 2nd November), will also now suffer as I understand it they will not get the total subsidy that was previously given.
Now if it is no real benefit to the environment to have smaller, cleaner engined cars why has the government retained the tiered road tax system ? For those not yet familiar the new taxes for 2010 I include them below:-
2010 Road tax
Vehicle categories (a) 301- 785cc (b) 786 -1,357cc (c) 1,358 -1,928cc (d) 1,929 - 2,357cc (e) Above 2,357cc
Class A Registered since 1 January (a)2005 €28 (b)€94 (c)€184 (d)€428 (e)€562
Class B Registered since 1 January 2000 (a) €63 (b)€137 (c)€252 (d)€521 (e)€680
Class C Registered since 1 January 1996 (a)€79 (b)€162 (c)€302 (d)€596 (e)€780
Sunday, 8 November 2009
For those who fought, for peace

I am somewhat disappointed that to my knowledge there is no Remembrance Day Services in our location today.
Commonwealth forces fought in Greece during both world wars leaving behind more than 18,000 dead. Some of the Commonwealth cemeteries in Greece contain burials of both world wars, the majority of war cemeteries are around the Thessaloniki area.
After the landing in October 1915 Allied forces pushed along the Vardar valley into Serbia but were then compelled to retire to Salonika (now Thessaloniki) which was held as a fortified camp for a year. An Allied offensive in the second half of 1916 established a line running from Monastir to the
Gulf of Strimonikos, the British force holding the sector eastward from Doiran. This was to remain the Allied line until 15 September 1918 when the decisive break-out to the north led to the surrender of Bulgaria a fortnight later.
Italian troops invaded Greece in October 1940 but within weeks had been driven back by Greek forces. The Italian counter-attack of March 1941 also failed and Germany was forced to come to the aid of her ally. On 6 April 1941, German troops invaded Greece through Bulgaria. Although
the combined Greek and Commonwealth force (which had arrived from North Africa on 7 March) fought with great tenacity it was vastly outnumbered. Within 24 days Athens had fallen and the campaign was over, but not before some 50,000 Commonwealth troops were evacuated. More than 20,000 of them joined comrades that had been on Crete since November 1940.
On 20 May 1941 the Germans launched an airborne attack on Crete. Despite some early successes and stiff opposition, by 31 May the Commonwealth force was overcome. Of the
total land force of 32,000 men, 18,000 were successfully evacuated, 12,000 were taken prisoner and 2,000 were killed.
Whilst I attend the Remembrance Service for the Battle of Kalamata. which is gratefully supported by the local authorities, even this had to be instigated by an expat.
Come Greece, today more than ever remember your European and the cost of your freedom....
Saturday, 7 November 2009

No not the song contest..... but the fact the EU have made a ruling that from 19th December TV transmissions in Europe must be made available throughout the union. This of course should make it illegal for BBC etc to block transmissions outside the UK, but there's appears to be a major loop hole in the fact the "free transmission" to all EU countries does not have to mean "free reception", hence allowing the pay to view channels. How long will it be do you think before the BBC start a pay to view service. This would of course also allow the British government to abolish the compulsory TV license and cut away from the BBC. We shall wait and see, meanwhile there are of course many ways to obtain BBC transmissions via the internet throughout the world, happy watching !
Friday, 6 November 2009
Greeks work longer

Greeks work longer hours than any other Europeans - about 42 hours a week on average - according to the results of a survey carried out by the European statistics agency Eurostat. According to the same survey, Greece has the lowest rate of part-time employment as a proportion of full-time employment in the EU, at 6 percent. The average is 18.8 percent in the EU27 and 20 percent in the Eurozone.
Now I dare not make a comment on this !!!!!
Now I dare not make a comment on this !!!!!
Taxation changes

The latest to come from the new government think tank on raising funds for the government "coffers" is to reintroduce inheritance taxes and place a FIVE times current tax on large properties. Whilst the plan is to tax "the rich" and hit people who own several properties and off shore investments, I am uncertain what is the criteria of a "big property". The uniform property tax rate of 1/1000th will be abolished and a new sliding rate scale will be introduced. Whilst the non taxable base will increase, and hence there are "promises" that small and average properties will be uneffected, the higher rate will be 3-5/1000ths of their tax value.
Of course there is only one problem with all this.......the government still does not have a complete database of all the properties in the country, and as we know many, many properties have been built illegally.
With inheritance tax changes will release the main home out of taxation and immediate relatives benefiting from more leniant allowances.
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Guy Fawkes Night in UK.

In 1605, thirteen young men planned to blow up
the Houses of Parliament. Among them was
Guy Fawkes, Britain's most notorious traitor.
After Queen Elizabeth I died in 1603, English Catholics who had been persecuted under her rule had hoped that her successor, James I, would be more tolerant of their religion. James I had, after all, had a Catholic mother. Unfortunately, James did not turn out to be more tolerant than Elizabeth and a number of young men, 13 to be exact, decided that violent action was the answer.
A small group took shape, under the leadership of Robert Catesby. Catesby felt that violent action was warranted. Indeed, the thing to do was to blow up the Houses of Parliament. In doing so, they would kill the King, maybe even the Prince of Wales, and the Members of Parliament who were making life difficult for the Catholics. Today these conspirators would be known as extremists, or terrorists.
To carry out their plan, the conspirators got hold of 36 barrels of gunpowder - and stored them in a cellar, just under the House of Lords.
But as the group worked on the plot, it became clear that innocent people would be hurt or killed in the attack, including some people who even fought for more rights for Catholics. Some of the plotters started having second thoughts. One of the group members even sent an anonymous letter warning his friend, Lord Monteagle, to stay away from the Parliament on November 5th. Was the letter real?
The warning letter reached the King, and the King's forces made plans to stop the conspirators.
Guy Fawkes, who was in the cellar of the parliament with the 36 barrels of gunpowder when the authorities stormed it in the early hours of November 5th, was caught, tortured and executed.
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Motorways in Greece have gone to POT
Did the earth move for you?
Listening to the BBC news this morning I heard that during the early hours Patras suffered an earthquake of 5.1 This was a "great announcement" that had just come through as breaking news from Reuters. Turning to the Greek news TV channel I read that a "μικρός σεισμός" (small earthquake) did actually occur. I guess there can not be much news in the UK to report.......On the internet the size of the quake reported seems to vary from 5.1 - 5.9
In fact on and around the Peloponnese over the last three days there has been in excess of 12 quakes, (and I never felt a one) but few make news, its a fact of life living in Greece. We all pray however that we never suffer the quakes of Kalamata in the past, but life must go on.
In fact on and around the Peloponnese over the last three days there has been in excess of 12 quakes, (and I never felt a one) but few make news, its a fact of life living in Greece. We all pray however that we never suffer the quakes of Kalamata in the past, but life must go on.
Monday, 2 November 2009
Snow in Greece

Some of the first snows came last night, whilst media reports first snows in Drama fell last night, the photo shows this mornings web cam taken at 0940hrs of Kelaria. Started in 1999, Snow Cam of Parnassos Ski Resort in Greece is considered to be one of the oldest Snow Cams in the world. Above left is a animation gif of 10 shots of 60 sec time difference updated daily. Installation altitude: 1950m. The snap shots and weather readings are taken every 60 mins during the winter season.
Saturday, 31 October 2009
Happy Halloween ???

Halloween has its roots in the Celtic festival of Samhain and the Christian holy day of All Saints.
The ancient Celts believed that the border between this world and the "Otherworld" became thin on Samhain, allowing spirits (both harmless and harmful) to pass through. The family's ancestors were honoured and invited home whilst harmful spirits were warded off. It is believed that the need to ward off harmful spirits led to the wearing of costumes and masks. Their purpose was to disguise oneself as a harmful spirit and thus avoid harm.
Samhain was also a time to take stock of food supplies and slaughter livestock for winter stores.
On All Hallows’ eve, many Irish and Scottish people have traditionally placed a candle on their western window sill to honour the departed. Other traditions include carving lanterns from turnips, sometimes with faces on them, as is done in the modern (American) tradition of carving pumpkins. The American tradition of carving pumpkins preceded the Great Famine period of Irish immigration and was originally associated with harvest time ( enter the bob apples & toffee / candy apples) in general, not becoming specifically associated with Halloween until the mid-to-late 1800s
Friday, 30 October 2009
Chestnut time.....

This morning a visit to the hair dresser was follwed by collecting the bread and a walk in Petaldi market. I could not resist buying a few kilo of chestnuts @ 2 Euro per kilo what a bargain !
........and living in Greece I recall the history of the legend that the Greek army survived on their stores of chestnuts during their retreat from Asia Minor in 401-399 B.C. Chestnuts contain twice as much starch as potatoes. It is no wonder they are still an important food crop in China, Japan, and southern Europe where they are often ground into a meal for breadmaking, thus giving rise to the nickname of "bread tree."
If your wondering what to do with your chestnuts this year, check out the following:-
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Back to work for some....
Well a day of "rest" for the locals yesterday (Oxi Day) seemed to have worked wonders. As 8.30 am came not just one but two separate local contractors turned up to finish some outstanding work around our property. Now I clearly do not understand the greek word "αύριο" because I always think it means "tomorrow", now I know it really means "when I get around to it"....
On another note tomorrow will never come for the driver of the car in Messini that just after midnight collided with a horse that came out of one of the gipsey encampments. The car came off the road, down an enbankment towards the river and burst into flames.
On another note tomorrow will never come for the driver of the car in Messini that just after midnight collided with a horse that came out of one of the gipsey encampments. The car came off the road, down an enbankment towards the river and burst into flames.
Wednesday, 28 October 2009

The magnificent Greek holiday Oxi Day is celebrated every year in Greece on October 28th and remembered for General Ioannis Metaxas' strong reply of 'oxi' (no) to Mussolini's request to allow Italian troops to come into Greece at the beginning of WW II. In the early hours of Oct 28th Metaxa gave his reply loud and clear: OXI (NO). The "OXI" cry has become a Hellenic battle cry that blooms defiantly every 28th of October.
On this particular day Greece pays honour to the many men and woman who stood up to the fascist Mussolini, and this was no small thing to do. First of all, Mussolini had 44 million people, and Greece had 7 million. Italy had ten times the fire power of Greece in its army navy and air force which had total air superiority, since Greece had only a small defensive force. No free country around the world believed that Greece would survive the attack. As a small country Greece faithfully and courageously met her obligations to her allies with heroism and self-sacrifice. Greece suffered much more than other countries that were on the victorious Allied side. Greece lost the highest percentage of her population, about 12%, which means about one million people. That is why the world leaders of that time recognized the contribution of the Greeks.
Sir Winston Churchill said "Today we shall say that the Greeks fight like heroes, but from now on we shall say that heroes fight like Greeks."
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Burn & prosper...NO !!
All to many of us were aware that some of the fires a couple of years back may have been started for "convenience". It is therefore good to see a new bill put forward by the government for the suspension of all construction in areas of Attica and another 18 municipalities and communities affected by forest fires. It would also see the creation of a demolition agency that would be overseen by the new ministry’s environmental inspectors and would have the responsibility of locating and knocking down buildings illegally set up on burned forestland.
Hopefully those who tried to prosper on other peoples misfortune will have their "just deserts".
Hopefully those who tried to prosper on other peoples misfortune will have their "just deserts".
Monday, 26 October 2009
Shopping day
Well a day shopping in Kalamata today, and still in shirt sleeves. The pedestrianisation of Aristomenos has really made a major difference, now all that has to happen is to stop pedal cyclists from mowing you down! Seriously it was not that bad. Coffee and a toasty on the square and a visit to the bank to cry over the current rate of exchange. A visit to Lidl on the way home to pick up a few jars of Piccalilli...they are having a British week !!!!!
Sunday, 25 October 2009
Eating a Greek snail

The time will come when you will be invited to your neighbour for a "snack". So just in case the Greek delicacy is served you:-
HOW TO EAT YOUR SNAILS...............
1. Stare at the plate of snails and wonder what to do.
2. Observe your companions, now on their fifth or sixth snail.
3. Select a likely-looking snail. Clutch it firmly.
4. With your fork, drive a tine into the apex of the shell's spiral, creating a small hole.
5. Place the larger opening of the snail shell against your mouth.
6. Using your forefinger, cover and uncover the hole you made in the shell while sucking at the larger opening.
7. Continue until the snail suddenly pops into your mouth. Congratulations! You've eaten your snail.
8. If this dramatic method doesn't work, try working the tine of the fork into the snail in a spiral motion until it pops out the other side. Then eat it.
9. Repeat until full. Alternate with lots of sips of raki.
1. Larger snails are a little easier to work with.
2. Let the snail drain of cooking water before you bring it toward you.
3. This is a traditional dish often served with raki, and the raki really helps move this process along.
Piraeus Dock Strike
Despite what appears (on the surface) to be a very good deal for the port of Piraeus from the Chinese company COSCO, with major financial investment and creation of 1000 jobs when they take control of terminals 2 & 3, the dock strike initiated on 1st October continues.
Over 3.5M Euro per day is being lost in revenues and massive stock piles of goods exist in the port including urgently needed medical supplies. The medical suppliers union (PASYPIE) are stating hospitals are in danager of running short of supplies very soon. Despite all this the PASOK government are no nearer a resolution. Indeed they have not, to my knowledge even implemented the fines that can be levied in the unions of 4000 Euro per day for this strike action.
Greece can not afford such disruption with its massive national debt. Surely this must be one of the governments most urgent priorities, but how low key is it being played?
Over 3.5M Euro per day is being lost in revenues and massive stock piles of goods exist in the port including urgently needed medical supplies. The medical suppliers union (PASYPIE) are stating hospitals are in danager of running short of supplies very soon. Despite all this the PASOK government are no nearer a resolution. Indeed they have not, to my knowledge even implemented the fines that can be levied in the unions of 4000 Euro per day for this strike action.
Greece can not afford such disruption with its massive national debt. Surely this must be one of the governments most urgent priorities, but how low key is it being played?
Saturday, 24 October 2009
Its OK to commit crime with a hoodie !!
The PASOK party in Greece has intonated that it will repeal the law that imposes stiff sentences on individuals who commit crimes whilst wearing hoodies or covering their faces. Now am I missing something here? Are they saying if you commit a crime and showing your face, when you get caught (and no doubt you will with this age of CCTV) you will get the same sentence as those who commit the crime and remain anonynmous (but then they might not get caught!). Well I suppose it keeps the prisons empty.....
Friday, 23 October 2009
Doggie passports..

Some time back we took in a stray, well truthfully she turned up after being dumped from a car and ended up staying. Well now she has been spayed and today she got "chipped" and obtained her Greek "doggie" passport. So I guess she now travels through Europe with us! Why is it that the UK is the most difficult country to enter though with a dog? Presenting the passport with its full vacination history counter signed by a vet is OK everywhere except the UK where you have to within 48 hours of entering have the animal revacinated.....or suffer the 6 month quarantine.
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Throwing money in the air !!!
Three of the 30 warplanes Greece ordered from the US arrived on Monday. Greece received ten planes earlier this year and will receive 17 more in the coming months.Greece also holds the option of purchasing ten more planes bringing the possible total cost to about 2.2 billion euros.
Ironically whilst part of the EU Greece DID NOT buy and support the Euro-fighter.
Ironically whilst part of the EU Greece DID NOT buy and support the Euro-fighter.
2010 Olympics
The 2010 Winter Olympics torch relay has begun with a ceremony at Olympia in Greece - it will eventually end in Vancouver after 106 days.
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
New government in Greece
Well the new Prime Minister will wear himself out within a year if he keeps up his current pace! One moment he is in Athens, the next he is in Turkey, at a meeting of Balkan foreign ministers. Then he pops up in the burnt out areas of Olympia; the next day he is racing around Attica.
Either he is doing a very good job, or he is trying to hide from the European ministers that are due to arrive tomorrow to review the state of the greek finances....
Either he is doing a very good job, or he is trying to hide from the European ministers that are due to arrive tomorrow to review the state of the greek finances....
Sunday, 18 October 2009
Morning has broken....
With heavy rain over night it was far more of a pleasure waking at 0700am to a bright sky, but will it hold out all day...I doubt it. Time to teak oil all the wooden furniture and bring in under cover for the winter months I think.
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Rain, rain and more rain
Its raining more and more, I am told last year winter was "real bad" ( I missed most as I did not return to Greece until late January). So I guess I had better dig out those wellington boots from the UK.
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