Sunday, 25 October 2009

Piraeus Dock Strike

Despite what appears (on the surface) to be a very good deal for the port of Piraeus from the Chinese company COSCO, with major financial investment and creation of 1000 jobs when they take control of terminals 2 & 3, the dock strike initiated on 1st October continues.
Over 3.5M Euro per day is being lost in revenues and massive stock piles of goods exist in the port including urgently needed medical supplies. The medical suppliers union (PASYPIE) are stating hospitals are in danager of running short of supplies very soon. Despite all this the PASOK government are no nearer a resolution. Indeed they have not, to my knowledge even implemented the fines that can be levied in the unions of 4000 Euro per day for this strike action.
Greece can not afford such disruption with its massive national debt. Surely this must be one of the governments most urgent priorities, but how low key is it being played?

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