Tuesday, 23 March 2010

UK versus Greece

Having just returned from the UK after spending 3 weeks there it is interesting to see and hear just how people see the reported financial problems Greece is experiencing.  Now despite us beginning to feel the pinch in rising prices here in Greece it is all too easy to forget prices in the UK are going up as well, and the UK budget is yet to come.  Some time back on my blog I stated as the UK was not in the Eurozone (money) people were not looking at the massive debt it has also incurred, now the headlines are as prominent as the financial headlines are in Greece.  
Despite this clothes & footwear remain a fraction the price in the UK compared to Greece, as does many electronic items. We are all aware of the used car market differences, but prices of good used cars are creeping up as the result of the car scrapage allowances; fuel prices are now virtually equal. 
Despite all this we have one great asset over the UK.........Weather and the relaxed way of life !!!!!

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