Sunday, 6 May 2012

Greek Elections

It is surprising that in the lead up to the elections in Greece very few towns and villages around my location have seen the normal electioneering posters plastered on buildings, walls etc. Not that I am complaining but they are certainly noticeable by their absence!

Indeed despite the seemingly lack of publicity by the political parties we shall by this time tomorrow  know the decision of the Greek people in respect of their choice for a new Government and new mandate.  Not that I expect any party to have overall majority, as I truly believe both main political parties have failed to gain the confidence of the public as to the actions required to take Greece out of the current economic crisis.
The worry is that if the "majority" party wants to gain office just what are they willing to comprise, and just how far will they divert to the right, or left?

It is not that long ago that Greece saw a very communistic outlook on life, and indeed a military government. With that last fact in mind perhaps one day we shall know the true reason George Papandreou, during his term of office dismissed the three Chiefs of Military staff (little was internationally publicised at the time). The point I make is that if the EU continue to squeeze the Greek people, the people will rise up; as history shows us true poverty, lack of work etc. is a course to civil unrest. The police may retain control, but if they fail or even support Mr & Mrs Joe Public then as we saw in the Arab states the only option left for the government is military intervention...........a disaster!

Whatever the parliamentary result is continual support within the EU is essential if Greece is to remain a stable member of the "club". Some of my close friends will know the term used often by one of our work leaders...T.I.N.A.

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