Monday, 18 June 2012

Greek election June 2012

It appears to me a little ironical.....Samaras would not support austerity measures when GP was in power and I firmly believe the initial elections were caused by the stubborn actions of Samaras. Now of course he sits in the driving seat he has changed his tune and will expect PASOK support. Now to become a credible leader he must keep his promises to the Greek people.
In reality we are no further forward than we were 12 months ago, apart from the fact the actions of Syriza have focused the mind of many politicians in Brussels and many of the Greek people have had their voice heard in respect of just how far austerity can be accepted. Perhaps this together with the views of the new French PM may create an alternative train of thought to resolve the current EU crisis.

The election result though was far too close for comfort and I believe if Syriza had gained power it would not have been long before their true colours showed, and in my mind not for the better. It is worth remembering Syriza is a mix of leftist parties, just how strong the glue is that combines this group has yet to be tested.

No matter what, the new government must now set on a course to change much of the countries constitution, open all closed practices and begin a total review of the government sector.

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