Saturday, 5 September 2015


Time after time we are hearing about these poor refugees on TV, radio etc. and yes one has to have a concern about their well-being.  However give a thought to the actions of our ancestors.  Did they flee from war?  NO they fought for their country, to make it a safe country for their descendants.  So safe others now see it as the "place to be".

Ask yourself the question why are all these young men capable of military service leaving their country, leaving their families etc. and not fighting to make their country a better place for their descendants?  Perhaps part of the solution to the current situation is for Western governments to place those capable into military service, train them to fight and help them return to fight for the freedom of their own country from tyranny. Fight to make their country safe for their dependants and descendants. 

These actions would also immediately stop the flow of economic migrants, the thought of being placed in the military would not be that appealing would it?


Old Hereford Pics said...

I agree 100% with you here. All l see is young men leaving wife's and children behind. This is a strange way to go about your life and I'm afraid it doesn't fit in with our society no matter what some people say.

Froghall said...

Hiya, sorry to bother you on your personal blog, but I've read that you've imported your car and caravan to Greece. Can you please tell me the name and contact details of the importer that you've used? And what if I cannot be there in person? I have now moved to Asia and cannot get back to UK nor Greece as easy as I would love to. Parents in GR and friends in UK are available to assist though.

Unknown said...

Hi! I am Nerissa, a Filipino living in Italy.
We just started a website dedicated to the lives of all those living in a country other than the one where they were born. Thru we intend to increase connections, awareness, and understanding among people.
We would like to ask you to contribute to the website by writing one single post with photos and/or videos about any region of the world. Your post will be linked to your personal websites, blogs, Facebook pages, Twitter account, and/or anything else you like, in order to promote your own activity.
If possible, we would also like you to write your story (bio - where you live and how you decided to live your life abroad) – example:
To contribute, it is not necessary to live in a different country from where you were born, but simply to know a bit of the world by having lived, studied, or traveled abroad.
Please, sign up to our website at and send all your files with things you would like to share (your story and/or your posts) by email to people(at)peopleabroad(dot)org. In case of big files, send them by WETRANSFER.
Since this website is still under construction, we do not have yet made it available to search engines for indexation. So, to access it, just type
We are just starting and that is why your help is essential. We would love to see you onboard!
All the best,