Monday, 22 February 2010

House tax

There are probably few people in the EU that have not heard about the Greek national debit and budget deficit. As I have posted my comments on this previously, I will not dwell on it.  Today however we went to Kalamata to pay the annual property tax, a tax that was introduced last year. Now there are many things in Greece are are quite expensive, cars, car insurance to name but two!  However the Greek equivalent of council tax is  not one of those things.  Whilst we do not have door to door refuse collections (we have several drop off points in the village), we do have street lighting (and extra lights on our land), the normal police, fire and ambulance services, free state schooling etc etc. The premium for the whole year is LESS than the premium for ONE MONTH in the UK. One has to question what the councils spend our money on in Britain.

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