Thursday, 18 February 2010

Spring has sprung ?

Two days in a row of glorious sunshine; perhaps not summer but temperatures around 19 C and the first daffodils showing on the drive lead me to believe winter here is now over. For those who have not experienced winter in Greece let me say its does get cold, after all Greece has snow fields and ski slopes!  The up side to that is of course despite heavy thunder storms and winds in winter months the winter season is much shorter than in the UK and often broken by bright sunny days.
This morning a pleasant walk along the beach with the dog, a visit to the garden centre buying a couple of fruit trees and rosemary shrub ( at the very affordable price of 14 euro ) then to friends in the afternoon for coffee makes this life of retirement GREAT....
Now tomorrow I have to plant those trees !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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